Must register in the parish office: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM a week prior to the Class. Bring Child's BIRTH CERTIFICATE; required to register.
SPONSORS IF MARRIED must be married by the Catholic Church and marriage certificate required.
IF SINGLE, they must be at least 16 years old and bring a copy of their baptismal, first communion and confirmation certificates.
PARENTS AND GODPARENTS must attend two (2) pre-baptismal classes held on the 1st week of the month on a Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
Currently we are not having English pre baptismal classes.
DONATION for class is $ 100.00
Baptism celebration every 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:00 AM
Child being baptized cannot be older than 7 years old. children 7 years and older must be prepared through the parish Catechism Program ( Guidelines of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston).
Informacion-Pre-Bautismal: Pase a la oficina parroquial Lunes a Viernes, de 1:00 PM a 4:30 PM una semana antes de la clase. es requerido presentar la acta de nacimiento del nino/a quien van a bautizar.
PADRINOS SI ESTAN CASADOS deben estar casados por la iglesia catolica es requerido presentar la acta de matrimonio.
SI SON SOLTEROS deben tener por lo menos 16 anos y presentar su acta de Bautizo, Primera Comunion y Confirmacion.
PAPAS Y PADRINOS tienen que asistir a platicas pre-bautismales el tercer Sabado del mes de 12:00PM a 5:00 PM.
DONACION para la platica: $ 100.00
BAUTISMOS el segundo Sabado del mes a las 8:00 AM
NINOS SIN BAUTIZAR NO DEBEN SER MAYORES DE 7 ANOS DE EDAD. Ninos deben recibir catecismo en el programa de la parroquia. (Guias de Arquidiocesis de Galveston-Houston).
Cuarto Domingo del mes durante la misa de 1:00 PM. pasa a la oficina y presente acta de bautismo para registrarse.